Something Different


Greetings family!

Why is it sometimes that we don't appreciate things until they're gone? This can apply to people, environments, or even our health. I don't know about you, but it's only when I'm feeling sick that I start to appreciate the true BLESSING that HEALTH is.

And because of that, you can add me to the list of people who are attempting to make big shifts this year! I recently transitioned to a plant-based lifestyle, meaning I'm cutting all types of meat from my diet. My reasons are numerous but truly fueled by an unction I had in my spirit. I have considered and even attempted this shift many times, and I finally feel that it's the right time.

My health is great (so my family and friends don't start calling right away šŸ˜) AND I want to keep it that way. Practically, I'm breaking a curse of heart disease in my lineage. Spiritually, I'm reclaiming a heritage of having dominion over the earth and all that's in it.

The earth is the Lord and the fullness thereof (Psalm 24:1) and He has given us the earth (Psalm 115:16). So what am I going to do?


Taste and see that the Lord is good.

- Psalm 34:8a (read the full chapter here)


Here are some updates for all the Wise Thrivers who want to live life well, intentionally, and fulfilled.

  • ā€‹AshKAbori YouTube channel - Making this #plantbaseddiet transition with a family, I'm paying much more attention to the nutritional content of the food I give them, especially my young children. I refer back to this interview on Health and Nutrition for Children that I did with Dolly Lofinmakin, Family Nurse Practioner. We go over:
    • Sugar intake
    • ADD/ADHD
    • Autism
    • Eczema and so much more.
  • In the Resource Store: The PDF eBook of "Young, Saved and Free: 40 Days of Powerful Positive Thought and Action" is up and available for purchase.
    ā€‹Improve your thought life using the most empowering and inspirational verses of the Bible!
    Young, Saved & Free: 40 Days of Powerful, Positive Thought and Action uses Bible verses and affirmations to renew the hearts and minds of young Christians, and those young at heart. It serves as an aid during a 40-day fasting period, a tool for daily devotional time, or simply a journey to a more positive, God-focused thought life.
    Read it for yourself or give it as a gift to the young person in your life. You will finish this book with a fresh understanding of God's love and the POWER he has placed in you.
    Your patronage of my digital product store is a great way to show support for Wise and Thriving.
  • What Iā€™m paying attention to:
    • January 15th is the day we remember the legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a spiritual and civil rights leader whose powerful messages of hope and valiant leadership left a mark on this world that is still evident today. I'm challenging myself with this question:
      What brave action am I taking that will positively benefit others?
      I pray that as we lean into the leading of the Holy Spirit, that He will reveal to us that area where we must shift into bold and decisive action, in Jesus' name, AMEN.
    • January 16 is the National Day of Racial Healing. Read more about it here.
    • January 21 is National Hugging Day! Give or ask for a hug and enjoy the numerous benefits! (More on that later).

Praying for God's best for you in this season.



Get a copy of my book here:

Ashley Aborisade

Ashley Aborisade (@ashkabori) is a Liberian-American author, podcaster, and communication professional. She lives in Prairie View, TX where she cares for her family and her garden.

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